
Free Elementary Math Circle - PM time slot launch!

On May 30th, we held our first free evening math circle. 14 students signed up since we announced the time 2 weeks ago. 20 are currently signed up with a wait list for the next 10, and we are seeing if we expand capacity to 30. Please keep signing up! We are hearing that you want a math camp - we are working on it - use the same form to show interest, and to let us know if you want the circle to continue in the summer months. The next free circle is on Thursday June 20, at 6:45 PM. Will you be there?

Our long-term goal for curriculum are thematic, leveled units, inclusive of a piece of math history, a related piece of cultural contribution, a puzzle, game, and of course, circle math activities, as well as resources to continue the exploration at home. Check out some of our math action photos. A shout out to Altitude Trampoline for hosting and making it an amazing time for all.

Some highlights :

  • Normally, kids in early elementary school don’t get to experience interactions with mathematicians at this level. It can be very inspiring to have this experience, and to learn about collaboration in math in a non-worksheet based environment.

  • Another thing that we are excited about is that we had 50% girls enrolled in the program. Most programs in STEM and mathematics don’t see that and we are proud and hope to keep it up. Maybe, this means the tide is turning and society will stop sending girls messages that they are not as capable in mathematics. Each year, we will work to highlight a diverse group of mathematicians that made important contributions to the field, to make sure that children see that anyone can become an expert in the field of mathematics and that it knows no barrier, whether it be gender, cultural or religious identity, and so on.

It was, of course, a little hectic and we will be definitely learning from and have already made changes for the following session. We will always strive improve.