General FAQ

Q: My child is just at the 98% of grade level in one subject, but is only at the 80% in another. Will they keep up at MAGE?

A: Yes. We meet your child’s giftedness where they are. From 130 to PG, this is not a contest. Everyone works at their own speed and their area of strength and interest is supported while any challenge is scaffolded.

Q: Does MAGE offer half-day programs?

A: We do not offer half-day programs at this time.

Q: Does MAGE offer any Enrichment Programs?

A: Yes, please check the Enrichment Page.

Q: Is MAGE a charter school?

A: MAGE is not a charter school as it is not legal for charter schools to have selective enrollment admissions in the state of Illinois.

Q: What is your allergy policy?

A: We are a nut-free and treat-free school. Our long-term plan is to work with FARE and Rush Pediatric Allergy and Immunology to develop a comprehensive, inclusive, proactive food allergy plan. Our number one priority is safety. 

Q: What is the homework policy at MAGE?

A: We use the 7+ hours while students are with us wisely! We ensure students have the chance to work hard and apply themselves, and there is no need for more work after school, until the student is in middle school classes.

For many families, homework is a struggle, and a source of conflict. Some children and parents like homework and look forward to that time to connect. We can help you find other ways in which you can support your student and find other ways to connect that could be more enriching and meaningful.

We want our students to pursue their passions, to play, to interact with friends and family, and to have time to relax after school - so they can be ready to do it all again the next day. 

Q: Do all kids “even out” by 3rd grade?

A: If a gifted child is not taught past what they can pick up by themselves, their age-peers might catch up. The average MAGE student is 3 or more years ahead of age peers in all subjects. We meet each child where they are, and allow them the joy of learning in a nurturing, safe, creative environment.

Q: What is the MAGE policy on frequent and/or prolonged, non-medical absences from school?

A: We are actor, musician, athlete, and world traveler-friendly (etc.). Our policy for unexcused absences is driven by the State of Illinois Department of Education. If this will be your family’s situation, we simply consider you as a home-school customer of the school for record keeping, instead of a full-time student, to abide by state law. Students in this situation will receive a transcript.

Q: What type of testing does MAGE administer to students?

A: There are several tests that are tied to state regulations. If there are any that are required and you do not wish for your child to participate, you can opt out. We do not spend any class instructional time prepping for tests. If you opt out of certain tests, you will be considered a home-school customer of the school instead of a student, and we show that relationship in our records - that will be the only difference for your child. 

There are other types of assessments that we may give, that are optional for full time students. If testing is a tough process for your child, we can discuss and have you opt out. We do not offer opt-out forms in our Enrollment Package. To inform future instruction, we may utilize benchmark testing to help us determine where to start detailed assessments. We will also assess to measure overall attainment or progress.

What do these types of tests look like? The student may sit with a teacher and show the teacher how they would solve a problem. The assessment may be working on a group or individual project or even be a game where the student doesn't know the teacher is even checking their understanding. Not all of this is paper-based. The student won't see any grade on the assessment, or a grade like “14/16”.

Instead, the teacher may sit with a student and ask them to show them how they were solving a problem, and guide in alternative strategies, helping the student find their way to the solution where there is the right one, and building their stamina and resilience. The student might meet with the teacher to discuss any challenges encountered, and strategies that may help next time just as they would for any project. Our student feedback is strength-based.

Q: Does MAGE offer any programs for gifted adults?

A: We do not offer adult programming at this time. Please see our events page for our parent education workshops.

Q: Does MAGE offer assistance for parents in need of 2e services?

A: MAGE does not offer consultation services at this time.

Q: Where can I find more gifted resources?

A: Please see our Gifted Resources page.

Q: Are the stereotypes about the gifted kids or community true?

A: No. Come see for yourself, with an open mind. Gifted kids are delightful.

Testing Information

* If your child was given a standard test that is not listed in our Admissions page criteria, please contact our Admissions team.

** If you are submitting test data marked with two asterisks, you will have to submit more than one of the starred categories.

  • The Academic Attainment and IQ Qualifications will be accepted from any licensed psychologist. For a list of local psychologists that have a strong understanding of gifted children, please click here.

  • The last test date must be within 3 years of your application submission date.

  • All CPS students used to receive the NWEA MAP data through annual testing. You may need to request this from your school’s main office. Through CPS, this test is also available for free to private school students in 5th grade or higher.

  • If your child's IQ or SEES is 145 or higher on Standard IQ tests, or has equivalent achievement of 3+ years ahead of age peers, please note that Davidson Institute Young Scholars is free and a great source of advocacy and support for your student. There is also the PGR (Profoundly Gifted Retreat, for children with an IQ of 175 and higher.

  • Siblings below the 130 cut-off or staff students may be admitted, if they pass our overall screening. Contact Admissions for more information.

  • We recommend, but do not require, a full neuropsychology assessment as part of your application to MAGE. The assessment report will include recommendations that allow us to have an in-depth conversation about meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of your child. Based on what we see through the admissions cycle, we may require it before moving forward with the admissions process.

  • If you feel that your child qualifies as gifted, but there are circumstances which make it difficult to convey the gift via standard criteria, please contact Admissions to discuss your situation.

  • If you encounter difficulties with the testing process, please don’t hesitate to contact Admissions to discuss options and receive assistance in finding alternative providers.

Admissions FAQ

Q: Does MAGE offer Financial Aid?

A: We have limited financial aid and it is awarded by February 1st of the previous school year. Students with an IQ of 145 or higher may qualify for additional assistance.

Q: Does MAGE offer any tuition discounts?

A: There are a few:

  • Siblings Discount: 5% less for both, and 7% off cumulative tuition if there are two or more students in a family.

  • If a parent or legal guardian is a full-time teacher/professor at an accredited university in Chicago, or is an active member of the armed services, they receive a further 2% discount.

  • Full-time teachers at MAGE receive free tuition for one child.

  • Part-time teachers at MAGE receive free part-time tuition for one child.

Q: Does MAGE have an application fee?

A: There is a $50 application fee.

Q: Does MAGE have any other fees for enrolled students?

A: There is a $1,000 deposit for each student, and a $1,000 tech/individual equipment fee for each student - or you can provide your own devices from our approved list.

Q: Does MAGE offer lunch for purchase?

A: We do not offer lunch for purchase most years, due to the complex allergy and dietary requirements of many gifted kids, but we always survey the parents every year. Students must bring lunch from home.

Q: Will there be future tuition increases at MAGE?

A: We anticipate the tuition schedule to increase with inflation every year.

Q: Are MAGE students required to wear uniforms?

A: MAGE students do not wear uniforms. However, every student is expected to purchase an official MAGE shirt to wear on Friday field trips. Those come in dry fit and cotton.

Q: Are there any additional costs when attending MAGE?

A: From time to time, families will be asked to bring personal items related to physical education such as dance shoes or performance costume, etc. There may be additional costs for some field trips, yearbook, optional MAGE Retreat but all basic school supplies are included in the tuition price.

Q: Does MAGE offer Before and After Care or Clubs?

A: Yes. Click here for Before/Aftercare and Clubs Costs.

Q: Does MAGE accept non-gifted siblings?

A: It is really not a one-size-fits-all answer. We aim to support the gifted learner and their family. MAGE is focused on ability, not age-based groupings, and may place siblings conditionally. They will be evaluated after the first term.

Please see our Gifted Resources page for more information about sibling IQ.

Q: Does MAGE accept 2e students?

A: MAGE conditionally accepts 2e students that meet Admissions requirements and pass our rigorous screening process. This process includes a 1:1 child observation with a teacher, in a social setting with enrolled students, and a parent interview. Our Admissions committee includes mental health professionals and educators, and thoroughly reviews application materials, including report cards, teacher recommendations, and any applicable health documents.

MAGE will not admit a child if we do not feel we can serve them appropriately in our setting. Every child is unique and we look at them not through the lens of a label, but with an open mind. Each family will need to read and sign our code of conduct, and discuss it with their children. In addition to this, families with 2e children will need to read and sign a more extensive document about expectations.

We are not a therapeutic setting and children are expected to have age-appropriate social and emotional skills, self help skills, and behavior. We do not provide any school-based therapeutic services as part of your tuition. However, we do allow push in from professional, licensed health service providers, and will work with your team or help you build one.

Students that are 2e frequently require more resources:

  • Medication management and filling out evaluations.

  • Creating and maintaining IEP and/or 504 plans.

  • Team meetings with notes.

  • More accommodations and support are required.

  • More emotional and behavioral attention are required.

If any of these apply to your child, they are likely to need more resources than are provided with tuition, and our Admissions team will present you with an adjusted tuition cost.